Aisia Cyan is a dancer, choreographer, creative director, model, and entrepreneur from Queens, NY with a BFA in Dance and double minor in Dance Studio Adminstration & Gender Studies. After receiving her degree in dance, she moved to Honolulu, HI where she now trains, teaches gymnastics and hosts her own drop-in style classes for adults.

Her unique teaching philosophy is based on the idea that dance is social and for everyone regardless of skill level. All styles of dance bring people of different backgrounds together to have fun, be celebrated and challenged. Throughout her jazz, contemporary, hip hop, heels, and majorette classes, she aims to make students feel included, confident, challenged, and heard. It is always quality over quantity in her classes! Using her upbringing, past dance and college experiences, she is able to cultivate an environment that promotes somatic awareness, spatial awareness, creativity, and pushing boundaries. No matter where she teaches in the world, she always gives her students something to leave with and learn from.


Dance With Me

You can now book private individual and group sessions for December with dance educator, Aisia Cyan.

click here
Aisia Cyan is a model, choreographer, and dancer pictured above, photography by Jordaan in Domino Park, Brooklyn.