Cyan Productions is now offering marketing services, school outreach and dance internship opportunities in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Our Mission Statement

Cyan Productions LLC strives to enrich the local artistic community through dance education, performance, audio/visual editing and marketing. Through partnerships and workshops, we are able to provide quality dance training and experiences where creativity and inclusion is promoted. We believe in providing affordable services to all and strive to do so within our programs. Owned and curated by Aisia Cyan, we are always open to collaborations and residences.

Our Services

Cyan Productions LLC offers school outreach programs where BFA dance educator and professional dancer can come speak at your school;s campus or teach a series of classes.

School Outreach

Are you looking to bring a dance educator to your school's campus? Either for motivational speeches, workshops or residency, you can bring Aisia Cyan by sending your inquiry to

Digital Curation

Transform your social media by hiring Cyan Productions as a virtual assistant or start out with a flyer bundle to start your journey today!
Book Cyan Productions LLC for your audio and visual editing needs on Honolulu, HAwaii.

Audio/Visual Editing

Want to diversify your catalog? Allow Cyan Productions to splice, mix, cut and create your next audio mix or video. With a background in social media marketing and content creation, allow us to create an aesthetic for you.
Book Cyan Productions LLC to direct your next music video, dance team performance or event.

Creative Direction

Allow Aisia Cyan to create manage and cultivate a production for your dance team, school or event. No matter how big or small your event is, we are willing to work with you to make this performance happen!